Ing. Daniel Solník
Tel: +421 32 6565 203
e-mail: [email protected]
Daniel Solník graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Economic Informatics, Department of Accounting and Auditing. In 2006-2009 he worked as an economic manager in general aviation management positions, later as the general director of the airline company and also as the director of the airline’s division focused on pilot training and aircraft maintenance. In the years 2009 – 2017 he worked in international companies and was engaged in business in the field of accounting. He has been part of the management at LOTN in the position of Head of Planning and Financing since 2017. He was appointed as Economic Director on November 1, 2021.

Ing. Martin Rybanský
Tel: +421 32 6565 294
e-mail: [email protected]
Martin Rybanský graduated from University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering. After graduating, he joined Schaeffler Kysuce, where he worked as Process Engineer. He joined LOTN in 2017 as Maintenance Planner. In 2021, he became Head of the Maintenance Planning Department. He was appointed as Maintenance Director on December 1, 2023.

Ing. Peter Abrahám
Tel: + 421 32 6565 475
e-mail: [email protected]
Peter Abrahám graduated from the M.R. Štefánik Aviation Academy in Košice, specializing in electrical and special aircraft equipment. After graduating, he joined SkyEurope Airlines, where he worked in the technical department as an avionics engineer. Later on, he worked as an aviation maintenance coordinator at Consolidated Aerospace Industries. He also worked at Farnair in Switzerland, where he covered line maintenance around the world. Before joining Letecké opravovne Trenčín, he was responsible for airworthiness management at AMAC Aerospace in Switzerland. He has been working in aviation industry for almost 20 years. Peter Abrahám was appointed as Technical Director on July 1, 2021.

Ing. Martin Šimonyi
Tel: + 421 32 6565 259
e-mail: [email protected]
Martin Šimonyi graduated from University of A. Dubcek in Trenčín, (faculty of mechatronics, mechatronic systems quality engineering). He has been working at LOTN, a.s. since 2008, on various professional functions such as a quality and reliability technician, head of quality auditing. Martin Simonyi was appointed as Director of the Quality Management Department on December 1, 2015.